
Biomimicry Simplified using a Novel, Hue-based Direct Composite Resin System

Written by Optident | 6 October 2020

In a recent case study Dr Clarence Tam demonstrates how beautiful aesthetics can be restored using the White Dental Beauty Professional CompoSite System. 

Dr Clarence Tam: Cosmetic Dentist in Auckland

Clarence Tam is originally from Toronto, Canada, where she completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery and General Practice Residency at the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto, respectively. 

Her  practice has a focus on restorative and cosmetic dentistry, and she strives to provide consistently exceptional care with each patient. She is well-published in both the local and international dental press, writing articles, reviewing submissions, and developing prototype products and techniques in clinical dentistry. She frequently and continually lectures internationally.

The below explores 5 key learnings from Dr Clarence Tam's latest case study

1. Complete shade selection when teeth are in a fully hydrated state

Dr Clarence Tam notes how it is well known that the optical properties of enamel drastically change in a dehydrated state. 

For this reason, she opts to complete shade selection prior to the application of topical anesthetic. She further explains this is because this typically involves an extended time of lip retraction (approximately 2 minutes) which would possibly affect the full state of hydration possibly leading to incorrect color selection.

2. Use a quality Enamel shade to assist with building the lingual shelf

Dr Clarence Tam makes use of the White Dental Beauty Professional CompoSite system for this case, making use of the Enamel shade to build the lingual shelf (free hand) alongside a pre-crimped Mylar strip.

The White Dental Beauty Enamel shade features a calibrated translucency and opalescence qualities and is easy to work with, boasting a non-sticky, smooth consistency which is ideal for modelling and shaping. 

Learn more about Composite technology here

3. Use a masking liner in multiple thin layers to block out shine-through

To maximize the ability to block out the shine-through of the oral cavity through the new restoration, Dr Clarence Tam recommends use of a masking liner in multiple thin layers prior to the placement of any dentin shade.

She opts to use Masque from the White Dental Beauty Professional CompoSite system, a flowable shade designed to mask dark shades in just one layer. Providing a neutral base for immediate restorative work, Masque allows for a natural result. 

Learn more about how CompoSite works here 

4. Construct the dentin body with a high quality composite 

Dr Clarence Tam opts to construct the dentin body utilising shade Si2 from the White Dental Beauty CompoSite professional system. 

Shade Si2 is one of the five body shades of the White Dental Beauty CompoSite system, often referred to as the 'Five shades of white'. This is because the shades provide the optimum graduation between the varying lighter shades - making them an absolute must for restorative work on bleached or naturally white teeth. 

Why use White Dental Beauty CompoSite?

White Dental Beauty CompoSite, chosen by dentists, for dentists – Accredited and educated by StyleItaliano. White Dental Beauty CompoSite provides the perfect colour palette for restoring whiter smiles; meeting the modern demands of patients for impressive and affordable smile design. A simple and finely tuned toolbox offering high quality aesthetic results in everyday practice. This composite system offers excellent working time, with high wear resistance, excellent handling and a glass like finish. CompoSite is the perfect system for youthful and vibrant aesthetic restorations.

Learn more about White Dental Beauty CompoSite here 

5. Use a natural enamel shade for the final layer

For the final layer Dr Clarence Tam returns to the Enamel shade from the White Dental Beauty professional CompoSite system, noting how it was completed in a single increment to minimize the risk of join lines from incomplete blending. 

The Enamel shade can really help with brightness, taking up the colour of the body material for a natural appearance.