The Tooth Whitening Industry is changing as patients’ perceptions change. As consumer demand for tooth whitening increases - part of a wider trend towards aesthetic dentistry - the opportunities for dental professionals to capitalise on this growing need are as plentiful as the complexities involved.

The Definitive Guide to Professional Tooth Whitening is 47 pages of comprehensive advice for Tooth Whitening created with expert contributions from Style Italiano — a leading group of clinicians and researchers specialising in aesthetic and restorative dentistry.
Get inside the heads of your patients, deliver improved patient care and build your practice with this definitive guide which covers…
How Tooth Whitening is growing in popularity
Tooth Whitening in numbers
The options for Tooth Whitening
What causes discolouration - and how whitening works
Choosing the right gels and safe Whitening
Tooth Whitening clinical cases

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