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10 October 2017

Dr Manauta: White Dental Beauty Testimonial

As one of Style Italiano’s leading dentists, Dr Jordi Manauta has extensive experience whitening his patients’ teeth - as well as educating and advising on best practice. Dr. Jordi Manauta was born in Mexico City, where he graduated cum laude. in dentistry from UNITEC (Universidad Tecnológica de México) and apprentice of Dr. Miguel Angel Tamés (Mexico) and Dr. Walter Devoto (Italy). He continued his postgraduate studies in Operative and Aesthetics Dentistry Master in UIC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) in Barcelona. He is visiting professor in the Siena and Marseille University.

Here he tells us about his 18 year journey with professional tooth whitening. From expensive and painful to comfortable with impressive results; find out how his treatment offering has transformed in the last year.

“Since using White Dental Beauty, sensitivity has reduced to virtually zero. It’s a way to keep my patients happy, healthy and smiling.”


Dr Jordi Manauta - White Dental Beauty Testimonial from White Dental Beauty.

“So bleaching teeth, has been a long journey for me. It has been 18 years since I did my first bleaching treatment and over time it was rather an annoying process because treatment was expensive, painful and long. I don’t believe in the quick evolution of dental products. So when there is a product that changes the industry dramatically then things evolve. In the last year bleaching for me has turned not only into a pleasant treatment but really something nice to do for my patients by using White Dental Beauty. Since using, White Dental Beauty, sensitivity has reduced to virtually zero. It’s a way to keep my patients happy, healthy and smiling. Bleaching teeth is not fancy thing to do any more and it’s not a painful thing to do either. Bleaching is a treatment that’s necessary, bleaching is for everyone, every day to keep your patients smiling and healthy because white teeth means health. So me and some members of Style Italiano love to use this product that we accredited some time ago which gives the best guarantee for our patients, for our course and for all the people that are following us.”

To learn more about how you can use White Dental Beauty or where you can purchase patient kits, top-ups, refill kits or trays visit our web shop here

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